Revitalizing Muscles with Trigger Point Injections at Balance Wellspace Denver
Discover Relief for Your Trigger Points
When knots and tightness grip your back and neck muscles, trigger points may be to blame. Despite efforts with massage therapy or foam rolling, stubborn myofascial pain cycles can persist. At Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine in Denver, we advocate for Trigger Point Injections as a solution to effectively alleviate pressure, spasms, and discomfort in your neck, upper back, lower back, or any other area contributing to your distress.
Trigger points denver
Trigger points, those minuscule muscle spasms ensnared by adhesions and scar tissue, often manifest as palpable knots in the neck and both upper and lower back muscles, serving as a common source of myofascial pain. The relentless, sharp, and continuous pain triggered by these points can only be alleviated through targeted methods such as foam rolling, massage therapy, or injection.
Trigger points treatment denver

Symptoms of trigger points may include:

  • Headaches or migraines
  • Radiating pain
  • Sharp shooting pain
  • Painful breathing
  • Disrupted sleep
Untreated trigger points can lead to significant muscle imbalances, hindering normal muscle function and eventually culminating in postural issues and joint pain. While massage therapy might offer fleeting respite and chiropractic treatment may take time to yield results, Trigger Point Injection (TPI) Therapy promises rapid relief.

For Swift Relief from Trigger Points

Trigger Point Injections swiftly reduce trigger points, allowing muscles to relax, scar tissue to disperse, and normal muscle function to resume. This rebalancing of soft tissues alleviates uneven pressure on the skeleton, facilitating chiropractic adjustments and enhancing the effectiveness of rehabilitation exercises.
Trigger Points Denver

Benefits of TPI Therapy:

  • Alleviates tight muscles
  • Halts muscle spasms
  • Breaks up scar tissue
  • Dissolves trigger points
  • Enhances chiropractic and rehab outcomes
Chronic trigger points often necessitate multiple massage therapy sessions, offering limited relief, whereas injections promptly alleviate pressure, providing immediate relief. Patients grappling with myofascial pain syndromes in the neck, upper, or lower back can benefit significantly from integrating trigger point injections into their therapy regimen.

Where to Receive Trigger Point Injections

Trigger point injections effectively address chronic pain stemming from poor posture, muscle injuries, joint disorders, or mechanical stress. They can be administered for conditions such as:
  • Back Pain and/or Tightness
  • Neck Pain and/or Tightness
  • Leg Pain and/or Tightness
  • Arm Pain and/or Tightness
  • Tension Headaches
  • Cervicogenic Headaches
  • Myofascial Pain Syndrome

Find Relief at Balance Wellspace Denver

At Balance Wellspace in Denver, our precise and effective trigger point injections offer welcome relief from years of muscle tightness. Whether you're grappling with acute muscle spasms or chronic myofascial pain syndrome, our injections effectively dissolve knots and swiftly alleviate pain.
If you're experiencing trigger points, muscle imbalances, or spasms in your spine or extremities, schedule an appointment today to explore how trigger point injections could offer you relief. Schedule your appointment today!


Major Insurance Providers Accepted

We gladly accept most health insurances. Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine is a participating provider in most insurance plans. It is important that you contact the customer service number on your insurance card to verify your chiropractic coverage. Please contact our office directly at (540) 824-1005 for additional information regarding these payment plans.
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