Advanced Healing Technology Available in Roanoke, Virginia.

Accelerating Healing Available at Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine

Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine has brought in some of the most advanced technology available to accelerate healing in the realm of integrative medicine. Having access to such advanced technology allows us to work on some of the more complicated cases, including complex pain disorders, neuropathy, chronic back and neck pain, headaches, and a host of other conditions that are often either undiagnosed or untreated through the traditional medical routes. Depending on the severity of the condition, co-morbidities, chronicity of the condition, and the patient goals – adding advanced technology can assist with the healing process allowing for more efficient and effective treatment.
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Tools Used to Accelerate Healing

Frequency-Specific Microcurrent (FSM)

Frequency-Specific Microcurrent (FSM) is an FDA-approved therapy that may help you get pain relief from a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. FSM is a solution for treating pain and improving your body’s functions at a cellular level – allowing your body to repair and heal itself.

Our skilled team at Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine in Roanoke, Virginia offers FSM as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for a variety of conditions.

Frequency-Specific Microcurrent uses a low-level electrical current to treat pain in a specific part of your body. The electrical current is just one-millionth of an amp – which is why you cannot even feel the current. It is effective at reducing inflammation, reducing pain, and helping to repair tissue. Depending on the tissue being treated, we use specific microcurrent frequencies to promote healing.

A substance called Adenosine 5'-triphosphate (ATP) is the principal molecule responsible for storing and transferring energy in our cells. It is often referred to as the “energy currency” of the cell – like storing money in a bank. ATP is the major source of energy for all cellular reactions in your body. It is also the substance your cells use to produce functions and create healing in damaged tissue. FSM treatments increase ATP by up to 500%, which means it can help your tissue recover faster and alleviate pain and stiffness.

FSM Treats a Variety of Conditions

Most often used to reduce nerve and muscle pain, Frequency-Specific Microcurrent is helpful for numerous health conditions, including:

⦁ Scar Tissue
⦁ Shingles
⦁ Burns
⦁ Spinal Disc Injuries
⦁ Fibromyalgia
⦁ Peripheral Neuropathy
⦁ Tendinopathy
⦁ Acute and Chronic Musculoskeletal Injuries
⦁ Osteoarthritis
⦁ Rheumatoid Arthritis
⦁ Bone Pain
⦁ Joint Pain
⦁ Plantar Fascitis
⦁ Sports Injuries
⦁ Headaches

FSM is a Simple, In-Office Treatment

In addition to being noninvasive and painless, FSM is a simple, in-office treatment that is like a TENS unit. We apply sensors to specific areas of your body and tailor the frequencies of the microcurrent based on your condition and needs.

The microcurrents numb the chemical pain signals to your brain, decrease inflammation, and flood your cells with ATP. During your treatment, you may feel a warming sensation in the area as tissue changes.

FSM is a noninvasive, nonsurgical, nonpharmaceutical treatment for people who want to take a natural approach to healing and long-term pain relief. As a part of a comprehensive treatment plan, FSM can help improve the quality of your life so you can function with less pain and discomfort. Many use this technology to aid in anti-aging, as it even increases circulation and collagen and elastin production.
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Low-Level Light Therapy

Low-Level Light Therapy treatment was initially researched, tested, and developed by NASA, and was later approved by the FDA. When a group of visionaries in the medical community discovered the effects of Low-Level Light Therapy, they began using it with patients and getting incredible results, without the use of drugs and surgery. Low-Level Light Therapy consists of LED light pads that when absorbed 2-3 cm into tissues causes vasodilation (increased blood circulation in the blood vessels). The effect is decreased inflammation, stimulated nerve growth, and increased nerve production.

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The neoGEN® system is a state-of-the art, technically innovative medical device for producing electric cell signaling energy waves (EcST and ESI).

The system is used to successfully treat circulatory issues, all types of acute and chronic pain, long-term (intractable) pain and drug-resistant pain. The neoGEN® also offers specific parameter signaling for efficient neuromuscular reeducation, muscle strengthening, and relaxation of muscle spasm activity.

The RST-Sanexas neoGEN® medical device is the original and only electric cell signaling device that was used in clinical research, published in multiple medical journals proving the ability to effect nerves and reduce painful symptoms associated with peripheral neuropathy.

More than 30 published medical reports are available covering painful 
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neuropathic conditions, and muscular neuromuscular reeducation. RST-Sanexas neoGEN® system is safe, effective, and user-friendly.

Sanexas machines are the “gold standard” therapy for treating neuropathy pain. These machines function by producing an extremely high frequency of electrical impulses that are converted by biochemical reactions in the body’s tissues resulting in a reduction of overall discomfort and nerves are stimulated to regrow.
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Extracorporeal Pulsed Activation Therapy(EPAT) (Shockwave Therapy)

Shockwave Therapy is a non-invasive modern and highly effective treatment method: high-energy sound waves are introduced into the painful areas of the body. EPAT technology accelerates the healing process in the body by stimulating metabolism and enhancing blood circulation to regenerate damaged tissue. Strong energy pulses are applied to the affected area. These pulses occur for short periods of time, creating micro-cavitation bubbles that expand and burst. The force created by these bubbles penetrates tissue and stimulates cells in the body that are responsible for bone and connective tissue healing.

Shockwave therapy accelerates the healing in patients with nerve conditions or tissue damage by addressing any adhesions/scar tissue present in the area, increasing blood flow to the extremities, stimulating tissue cell and nerve growth, and decreasing inflammation.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF)

All human tissue responds to electric and magnetic fields - including muscle, ligament, bone, cartilage, nerves, and blood cells. PEMF technology produces a low frequency, low intensity electromagnetic field which is applied to the body using coils or mats. The magnetic field generates a micro-current within the tissue leading to local and global improvement.

The research on PEMF demonstrates that it works by stimulating cells electrically, magnetically, chemically, and physically. PEMF studies report no adverse reactions.

Due to the increased synthesis of repair proteins, a faster healing process is achieved thus helping prevent related disabilities and chronic conditions. PEMF can lead to profound, and life changing health benefits related to neurological, physiological, and psychological conditions. PEMF is FDA approved for bone regeneration, bone growth, failed joint fusion, arthritis, pain, edema, and swelling.

Benefits of PEMF Therapy

Some of the most common benefits of PEMF include:
1. Helps you recover from an injury faster by accelerating cell growth and repair.
2. Reduces pain and inflammation and promotes nerve regeneration.
3. Reduces swelling, relaxes muscles, decreases nerve irritability, stimulates tissue healing, and strengthens bones.
4. Increases cellular membrane permeability which allows for improved circulation of oxygen and allowing nutrients into the cell.
5. Facilitates the removal of waste products out of the cell.
6. Enhances cellular metabolism and communication.
7. Increases energy to cells, cell hydration, bone density, flexibility, and range of motion.
8. Stimulates the release of endorphins.
9. Decreases stress.
10. Enhances antioxidation regulation by increasing circulation of available electrons.
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PEMF can help with the following conditions:

Sports Injuries, Chronic Inflammation, Body Aches or Pain, Stiff Neck and Shoulders, Back and Joint Problems, Low Bone Density, Repetitive Use Injuries, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lack of Circulation & Fibromyalgia.

BrainTap - Stress Relief Therapy (SRT)

BrainTap’s proprietary neuro-algorithm is the proven way to boost your brain fitness.

This technology is a powerfully effective tool designed to help people like you achieve balanced brainwave states that enhance production of all the necessary neurotransmitters needed for optimal function of body and mind.

Simply put, BrainTap is like a meditation on steroids! Many patients have expressed difficulty in being able to meditate, BrainTap requires little user effort and stimulates the brain to help you live a more healthy and happy life. It is a gentle sound and light therapy that helps to gain better mental clarity, better intuition, and behavioral change. BrainTap can also enhance sleep which will help you wake up feeling rested and more energized. It can help reduce stress, irritability, and worry while supporting mental harmony and emotional stability.
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This exclusive, copyrighted technology has been extensively tested to create the perfect symmetry of sound, music, and spoken word for the ultimate in brainwave training and relaxation. This provides your mind and body with all the benefits of meditation without disciplined effort. Neuroplasticity is maximized with the use of BrainTap – which means your brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections results in a flexible and more resilient brain.

How does BrainTap work?

The BrainTap works by impacting how your brain functions. To start, our brain follows very specific patterns and rhythms. The system will run lights and tones with the frequencies changing resulting in changes in the frequency of your brain. While playing any of the over 700 sessions available in BrainTap, you get pulled into a “twilight state” that allows you to disconnect from those thoughts and come back to a place that is more centered.

Changing the rhythms in your brain creates a calmer state that impacts a person’s mood by relaxing the brain. This can increase levels of serotonin, norepinephrine, beta-endorphins, and blood flow in the brain.

Who can benefit from BrainTap Therapy?

Anyone who has stress in their life or wants to achieve the benefits of meditation can benefit from BrainTap therapy. Anyone who is not sensitive to flashing lights can gain something from this technology. When used with the guided visualization sessions, it creates an incredible tool for developing focus. Those who have been diagnosed with light-induced seizures should not use the flashing lights on the headset, but they can get a great benefit from the audio-guided relaxation.

What are the benefits of using the BrainTap headset?

People do little to improve the quality of their thoughts and we often miss that we can accomplish a great deal more by managing our brain activity. The BrainTap stimulates deep relaxation that helps to reduce stress. It helps to change behaviors by allowing the brain to find a better balance that inspires our drive for health, creativity, and focus. The BrainTap leads to improved quality of sleep by encouraging relaxation. Improved quality of sleep helps to bring better concentration and clearer thinking.

Most people who have used BrainTap have reported improved sleep patterns, reduced stress, as well as improved memory, better concentration, stronger recall, and greater physical energy. Obviously, the results will vary from person to person, but what would your life look like with improved brain function?

Ionic Foot Bath

The ionic foot bath is based on bioenergetic technology that creates an energy field like the human body. Ionic Foot bath is a foot soak that uses water charged with positive and negative ions, or electrolytes. This helps drive energy into your body while drawing toxins from your body through a process of exchange between the positive and negative ions in your body.

The IonCleanse by AMD is a unique detox system that allows the body to release toxicity and bypass the body’s normal channels of elimination.
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Why use an Ionic Foot bath?

Today, we are exposed to the greatest toxic load in the history of our planet. Ongoing periodic cleansing is essential to maintain health. The IonCleanse® system, in combination with a healthy, low-stress lifestyle, provides a thorough and efficient way to maintain high energy levels and long-term wellness. We are constantly reminded to wash our hands and bathe daily to keep our body clean and prevent illness from outside germs but what about the inside of our body and the toxins exterior cleaning can't reach?

Consider our regular contact with food additives, fertilizers, contaminated water, pollution, etc. These toxins can simply overwhelm the ability of the body’s internal mechanisms to cleanse itself, which plays a critical role in your long-term overall health.

The Benefits of an Ionic Foot bath:

1. Improves the body's lymph circulation 
2. Increases natural energy levels
3. May help relieve headaches, migraines, muscle pain, joint pain, and swelling
4. Improve quality of sleep and relaxation
5. Can assist weight loss

Who Should Not Use IonCleanse ®

Any person falling into one or more of these categories should NOT
use the IonCleanse®:
• Those with pacemakers, or any other battery operated or electrical implant.
• Pregnant or nursing women.
• Those on heartbeat regulating medication and/or blood thinners.
• Organ transplant recipients.
• Those on medication, the absence of which would cause mental or physical impairment, such as psychotic episodes, seizures, etc.

WellnessPro Plus® at Balance Wellspace

At Balance Wellspace, we're proud to introduce the WellnessPro Plus®, a revolutionary device developed by Electromedical Technologies. This advanced TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) therapy device offers a long-lasting, drug-free solution for pain management.
We recognize that discomfort and pain can manifest not only physically but also on a physiological level. Wellness Pro provides precise treatment, effectively addressing the most challenging cases of pain, trauma, and injury. This includes a diverse range of muscle, connective tissue, and other health issues associated with discomfort and pain.

Unmatched Versatility and Adaptability

The WellnessPro Plus® stands out with its impressive range of over a million frequencies, making it the most versatile TENS device on the market. This wide frequency range allows for numerous therapeutic applications, ensuring personalized and effective pain relief for each patient. Additionally, its FDA-cleared, future-ready modular design ensures compatibility with new accessories and therapies, making it a highly adaptable solution for evolving treatment needs.

How It Works

The WellnessPro Plus® works by triggering the body’s natural pain relief processes. When pain signals travel from the nerves around an injured area to the brain, the device disrupts these signals. By mimicking the body's natural electrical impulses, the WellnessPro Plus® effectively reduces the sensation of pain, providing significant relief.

Treatments with the Wellness Pro PLUS have shown remarkable success in reducing pain for various acute and chronic conditions, including:

  • Sports Injuries
  • Wound healing
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Broken Bones
  • Soft Tissue Regeneration Pain
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Arthritis-Osteo and rheumatoid
  • Neurological Disorders
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • TMJ – Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
  • Neuropathy
  • Nerve Entrapment
  • Bell’s Palsy
  • Fibromyalgia Treatment
  • Acute and Chronic Back Pain
  • Headaches
  • Disc injuries/Tendonitis
  • Herniated Disc related Pain

And many many more…

Experience the difference with the WellnessPro Plus® at Balance Wellspace. Schedule a consultation today to explore how this cutting-edge device can help you achieve lasting pain relief.

Come to Balance Wellspace for Accelerated Healing and Optimal Results

At Balance Wellspace, our mission is to change the healthcare paradigm in our community, and we believe strongly that this requires addressing the WHOLE person. This means looking at all the factors that contribute to a person’s condition and helping the person take back control – including the impact of stress, co-morbidities, decreased energy, disrupted sleep, and any other factor that could impact their overall health.
To learn more about the advanced modalities used at Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine and our integrative approach to healing, schedule your appointment today.


Major Insurance Providers Accepted

We gladly accept most health insurances. Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine is a participating provider in most insurance plans. It is important that you contact the customer service number on your insurance card to verify your chiropractic coverage. Please contact our office directly at (540) 824-1005 for additional information regarding these payment plans.
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