Providing relief from your foot pain.

Foot Pain Treatment

Bring your sore, aching, burning feet to Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine and experience real pain relief and restored function with the innovative approach to addressing pain.
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Experience Foot Pain Relief

When severe foot problems begin to impact your activities, the worst thing you can do is wait to seek care. We understand how draining it can be both physically and mentally to have pain that follows you everywhere you go. Whether it is the deep achy discomfort in the arch of the foot, the sharp stabbing pain of a bone spur or the throbbing ache of arthritis, the providers in our practice have experience with helping patients suffering from severe foot pain.
We use the latest state of the art regenerative medicine products and advanced treatment therapies to not only help patients with pain relief and to avoid surgery but also optimize function. If you suffer from sore, aching feet, have bone spurs, arthritis, or chronic problems in your feet, contact us to explore your options!

The Problem with Foot Pain is That It Follows You Everywhere

Foot problems can become terribly intrusive on your life. Pain and soreness that follows a person from the first step of the day to the throbbing pain in bed at night sends many on a long journey seeking relief. Besides all the difficulty with walking and getting around, finding an effective therapy can be exceedingly difficult.

Traditional medical treatment for foot pain in Roanoke, Virginia typically includes NSAID’s, steroids, bracing/casting, or surgery. Unfortunately, these options have adverse effects and rarely address the root cause of the problem. Medication simply covers up the symptoms, plus carries with them nasty side effects. Surgery is invasive and often leaves the body in a weakened state after the prolonged time needed to heal and residual scar tissue from the surgery. Sometimes patients find themselves with even more pain than before the surgery.
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Annoying Treatment Dilemma… Solved!

Many people with painful feet in Roanoke, Virginia are seeking relief from their pain through seeking alternative healthcare solutions. Patients are ecstatic when they find out about the amazing benefits of regenerative medicine and our advanced technology used to accelerate healing. This branch of medicine uses products that are natural, but help the body heal damaged tissue. This can be helpful in acute injuries to help the body repair ligaments or tendon tears. This can also be helpful in chronic conditions, such as helping to reduce bone spurs, arthritic changes, and improving joint spaces.

Regenerative medicine and our technologies are safe, have no adverse effects, require no down time, and even help the body become stronger and more functional. Our comprehensive approach is not only providing needed relief for the most severe foot pain sufferers, but also providing restored function with patients able to get back to the activities most important to them!

Come to Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine

At Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine, we are a results-driven team of Providers that have helped many patients suffering with foot pain. Our team evaluates each patient from both a medical and structural standpoint to better understand the root cause of the pain. Treatment recommendations typically address inflammation, mobility, underlying damage to the joints or soft tissue, and correction of muscle imbalances that often contribute to pain.

We have seen amazing results with acute injuries, but also bone spurs and chronic arthritis of the feet. Many of our patients have even been able to avoid surgery. If you have persistent foot pain that is affecting your ability to walk, exercise, or participate in the activities you enjoy, contact us for an evaluation to see if we can help!
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All the treatments we recommend at Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine in Roanoke, Virginia are natural, minimally invasive, have no adverse effects, and require no down time. If you have foot pain, and want to feel better, schedule an appointment today.


Major Insurance Providers Accepted

We gladly accept most health insurances. Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine is a participating provider in most insurance plans. It is important that you contact the customer service number on your insurance card to verify your chiropractic coverage. Please contact our office directly at (540) 824-1005 for additional information regarding these payment plans.
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