Working as a Team to Help Patients Achieve Their Goals in Christiansburg, VA

Collaborative and Personalized Care for Optimal Outcomes
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About Our Integrative Medical Practice

Our integrative medical practice in Christiansburg was created to help you achieve your goals by taking a whole-body approach. Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine cares about your health, whether you need to recover from an injury, treat pain, improve function, or increase performance.
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Balance Wellspace Christiansburg

The Most Advanced Care Possible

Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine in Christiansburg provides a wide range of cutting-edge services that represent the best of several complementary and traditional healthcare disciplines. Our advanced integrative approach is light years ahead of traditional medical treatment, and most of our patients notice this very early in their care programs.

At Balance Wellspace, you get a team of experienced professionals who have devoted their entire careers to studying and treating joint and nerve pain. Our Mission is to radically transform the medical paradigm in our community by focusing on function, patient empowerment, and assisting patients in achieving true health and wellness. Our treatment programs are designed to make patients feel better while also making them more stable and stronger than before.
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Major Insurance Providers Accepted

We gladly accept most health insurances. Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine is a participating provider in most insurance plans. It is important that you contact the customer service number on your insurance card to verify your chiropractic coverage. Please contact our office directly at (540) 824-1005 for additional information regarding these payment plans.
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