Eradicating muscle knots to improve their function.

For Solutions to Your Trigger Points

When the muscles in your back and neck are tight or have spasms, trigger points may be the culprit. Myofascial pain cycles can ruin your life when they do not respond to massage therapy or a good foam roller. At Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine, we recommend a procedure called Trigger Point Injections to effectively release the pressure, spasms, and pain in the muscles of your neck, upper back, lower back, or any other region contributing to your painful condition.
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Trigger points are tiny muscle spasms that have become trapped by adhesions and scar tissue. They can often be found as palpable knots in the muscles of the neck, upper and lower back and are a common source of myofascial pain. The pain caused by trigger points is usually severe, sharp, and constant until they are worked out with a foam roller, some type of massage therapy, or an injection.
Neck Pain image

Trigger Points can cause the following symptoms:

⦁ Headaches or migraines
⦁ radiating pain
⦁ sharp shooting pain
⦁ painful breathing
⦁ loss of sleep
If the trigger point pressure is not released promptly, trigger points can contribute to major imbalances in the muscles and prevent the muscles from working normally. This will eventually lead to postural issues and joint pain. When these tiny spasms become chronic, massage often provides temporary relief of pain and tightness. Chiropractic treatment may take longer to be effective and even less comfortable to receive.

Trigger Point Injection (TPI) Therapy: For Fast Relief of Trigger Points

For the quickest and most complete reduction of trigger points, an injection must be given. Trigger point injections help muscles relax, break up scar tissue, and allow the muscle to fire normally. This helps balance the soft tissues and takes uneven pressure off the skeleton, making it easier for the chiropractor to make structural changes to a patient’s neck, upper and lower back. If you’re undergoing rehab, trigger point injections also make therapy exercises more comfortable to perform as well as more effective; rehab works better when the muscles are more balanced.
Trigger point injection therapy

Benefits of TPI Therapy

⦁ Helps soothe tight muscles
⦁ Stops muscle spasms
⦁ Breaks up scar tissue
⦁ Dissolves trigger points
⦁ Improves chiropractic & rehab results
While chronic trigger points may take numerous treatments with massage therapy and are virtually unresponsive to a foam roller, injections often release the pressure and provide relief immediately. Patients with myofascial pain syndromes in the neck, and upper or lower back are smart to include trigger point injections as part of their therapy regimen.

Where Can You Receive Trigger Point Injections?

Trigger point injections are used to treat chronic pain due to poor posture, injury to the muscle, joint disorders, or poor mechanics that have caused stress on the muscle. The trigger point injections can be injected in the following conditions:
⦁ Back Pain and/or Tightness
⦁ Neck Pain and/or Tightness
⦁ Leg Pain and/or Tightness
⦁ Arm Pain and/or Tightness
⦁ Tension Headaches
⦁ Cervicogenic Headaches
⦁ Myofascial Pain Syndrome

We Have the Answer

At Balance Wellspace, we use trigger point injections to help patients feel better faster and get the most out of their program. We recommend this treatment for many of our patients to help address the imbalances that exist. The injections we offer are extremely precise and effective. Our patients are pleased with the outcome: a welcome relief from the tightness that has plagued many for years.

Whether you suffer from an acute muscle spasm or chronic myofascial pain syndrome, come to Balance Wellspace for fast and complete relief of pain from your injury. The trigger point injections we offer safely and effectively break up knots and are excellent for releasing pain quickly.
If you have trigger points, muscle imbalances, or spasms in any of the muscles of your spine or extremities, make an appointment today to find out if trigger point injections could help. Make an appointment today!


Major Insurance Providers Accepted

We gladly accept most health insurances. Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine is a participating provider in most insurance plans. It is important that you contact the customer service number on your insurance card to verify your chiropractic coverage. Please contact our office directly at (540) 824-1005 for additional information regarding these payment plans.
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