Supporting the body’s natural healing process to accelerate results.

Regenerative Medicine at Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine Located in Roanoke, Virginia

At Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine, we offer regenerative medicine as one of our main treatments to help patients heal from injuries. This branch of medicine focuses on therapies that enhance your body’s ability to heal injuries on its own. 
happy person
Regenerative medicine is very effective for acute injuries, but is mostly used by patients with arthritic, degenerative joints - in particular, patients facing joint replacement surgery.
balance wellspace providing regerative medicine

Providing Regenerative Medicine since 2017

We are excited to be the first and the biggest regenerative medicine clinic in the Roanoke, Virginia region - providing this service since 2017. The technology and results have evolved greatly over the past five plus years, including protocols and products to ensure optimal results.
The advanced allograft therapy programs have helped thousands of patients suffering with joint pain or facing surgery. If you have back pain, neck pain, joint pain, osteoarthritis or facing joint surgery, the expert team at Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine, Roanoke, Virginia should be your first call.

Invasive Procedures Can Cost You More Than You Think

Mainstream medical treatment leads most patients to invasive joint replacement surgery. There are more than 1 million total joint replacements performed in the United States annually [1], [2]. This number is expected to increase to nearly 4 million by 2030 [3].

Medications prescribed to help with pain only cover up symptoms, allow continued wear and tear to the joint(s), and worse, do not get to the root cause of the problem. Surgeries leave scar tissue behind which limits the mobility of a joint and prevents nutrition from getting into the joint space. This leads to deterioration of the cartilage and when the cartilage deteriorates to the level of compromising the joint space, joint replacement surgery is the inevitable next step.

When applied to joints, regenerative medicine treatments show great promise for combatting the effects of osteoarthritis and helping many older patients stay active without joint pain. The reason typical medical treatment cycle ends in invasive procedures is because medication and surgery do not help the body repair damaged tissue. They do not help build the body back up, but only make it more comfortable while the joint continues to deteriorate. Fortunately, regenerative medicine is offering exciting new options for patients who prefer to accelerate the healing process and avoid invasive surgery.

Joint Replacement Surgery – Is It for Everyone?

Joint replacement surgery is an advanced medical science that helps thousands of patients get out of pain and continue to function, even after a complete joint failure. However, most patients and physicians would prefer to avoid the surgery until necessary. The procedure is extremely invasive and has high chances of complications – in particular, the risk from anesthesia, infections, and an unsuccessful outcome. Of course, some patients are too frail or have too many co-morbidities to safely have joint replacement surgery and are left with no options.
physician at balance wellspace
regenerative solution at balance wellspace

The Regenerative Medicine Revolution

According to a review by the Mayo Clinic, “Regenerative technologies strive to promote, augment, and reestablish native repair processes...Multimodal regenerative approaches incorporate the transplant of healthy tissues into damaged environments, prompt the body to enact a regenerative response in damaged tissues, and use tissue engineering to manufacture new tissue. Human cellular tissue products have a unique aptitude to form specialized tissues and promote repair signaling, providing active ingredients of regenerative regimens.”

When applied to the joints, regenerative medicine treatments show great promise for combatting the effects of osteoarthritis and helping many older patients stay active without joint pain.

The reason typical medical treatment cycle ends in invasive procedures is because medication and surgery do not help the body repair damaged tissue. They do not help build the body back up, but only make it more comfortable while the joint continues to deteriorate. Fortunately, regenerative medicine is offering exciting new options for patients who prefer to acclerate the healing process and avoid invasive surgery.

New Innovative Approaches to Accelerating Healing

human tissue allograft
Regenerative Medicine: Human Tissue Allograft Treatments
Regenerative Medicine offers incredible advantages in the healing process by providing the body with the necessary materials required to heal, including growth factors, Hyaluronic Acid, amino acids, cytokines, etc. These therapies help boost the body’s natural healing processes to reduce inflammation, dysfunction, and pain caused by conditions such as Tennis Elbow, Golfer’s Elbow, arthritis, and other soft tissue-related conditions contributing to pain.
healthy life at balance wellspace

Natural and Non-Invasive

Regenerative medicine consists of human tissue cellular allografts taken from the placenta and umbilical cord after a live, healthy birth. These tissues are donated by mothers who elect to be in the program. The donated tissue is tested in an FDA registered lab, stored cryogenically until practices such as ours order the tissue.

When injected into a damaged or deteriorated joint, the allograft stimulates the body to repair the damaged tissue resulting in a reduction of inflammation, improved cushioning, and improved function.

Safe Alternative

Human tissue allograft treatments are natural and carry no chance of rejection given they are “immune privileged.” This means they have no immune cells and bear no risk to the patient. In most cases, there is also little to no down time and other than a few modifications, most patients go right back to their typical daily life. Regenerative medicine works great for acute and chronic conditions in any joint or associated soft tissue.

Benefits of Regenerative Medicine

⦁ Natural
⦁ Minimally invasive
⦁ No adverse effects
⦁ No chance of rejection
⦁ No down time
⦁ Much safer than surgery

The Top Regenerative Medicine Clinic in the Roanoke Valley

At Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine, we are happy to offer the latest, most advanced regenerative medicine therapies in our practice. Our goal is to help as many patients as possible get out of pain and avoid surgery using the miracle of human tissue cellular allografts!

Regenerative medicine can be a safe alternative to surgery as there is no downtime and minimal adverse reactions. We have seen regenerative medicine work very well for many patients, allowing most to put off or avoid surgery completely. Make your appointment here to find out if regenerative medicine would work for you.
Regenerative Medicine at Balance wellspace
Regenerative medicine is very effective for acute injuries, but is mostly used by patients with arthritic, degenerative joints - in particular, patients facing joint replacement surgery.


1. Williams S.N., Wolford M.L., Bercovitz A. 2000. Hospitalization for total knee replacement among inpatients aged 45 and over: United States, 2000–2010 key findings. .

2. Wolford M.L., Palso K., Bercovitz A. 2000. Hospitalization for total hip replacement among inpatients aged 45 and over: United States, 2000–2010 key findings.

3. Kurtz S., Ong K., Lau E., Mowat F., Halpern M. Projections of primary and revision hip and knee arthroplasty in the United States from 2005 to 2030. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2007;89(4):780.

4.Terzic, A., Nelson, T.Regenerative Medicine Primer. Mayo Clinic Proc. 2013 Jul;88(7):766-75. doi: 10.1016/j.mayocp.2013.04.017.


Major Insurance Providers Accepted

We gladly accept most health insurances. Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine is a participating provider in most insurance plans. It is important that you contact the customer service number on your insurance card to verify your chiropractic coverage. Please contact our office directly at (540) 824-1005 for additional information regarding these payment plans.
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