January 3, 2018,

New Year's Resolutions - What Do You Want To Accomplish?

Happy 2018!

Real talk: It’s tough to stay motivated come mid-January when it comes to diet, nutrition, and exercise and weight loss. Think about what you’d like to accomplish — whether it’s losing weight, eating more whole foods, consuming less sugar, cooking regularly, or starting a new exercise plan — then create two to three challenging, but achievable goals. When I am working with someone who is having trouble losing weight, despite doing everything right, there are a few things we discuss to jumpstart weight loss and boost energy levels. Let’s first talk about nutritional imbalances. Studies show these deficiencies are more widespread than you might imagine. Over 30 percent of American diets fall short in nutrients like magnesium and Vitamins C, E, and A. Over 80 percent of Americans have low Vitamin D levels. 9 out of 10 people are deficient in omega-3 fatty acids which, among other things, help cool inflammation and control blood sugar levels.

Simply put, Americans have been overfed and undernourished for a very long time. In fact, most obese children and adults are actually malnourished. While that might sound contradictory, an abundance of calories does not necessarily deliver the nutrients that your body needs. Actually, the very opposite is true: overeating can create nutrient deficiencies.

1. Eat whole, unprocessed, unrefined foods. One of the best ways to maintain health involves cutting out the sugar and refined carbs.

2. 75 percent of your plate should be vegetables and plant-based foods. Your gut bugs really love these high-fiber plant foods.

3. Eat good fats and change up cooking oils. The good fats (like omega-3 fats and monounsaturated fats) will help with decreasing inflammation.

4. Supplement smartly. Always discuss supplementation with your health provider, preferably someone knowledgeable in this area. 5. Studies demonstrate anti-inflammatory and weight loss benefits from adding Medium Chain Triglyceride or MCT oils. Some of my favorite fats, coconut oil and coconut butter, contains these fabulous fat-burning MCTs.

6. Add fermented foods. Sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, and miso contain good amounts of probiotics so your healthy gut bugs can multiply.

When I work with my patients who are experiencing a weight loss issues, these are a few things I immediately take into consideration. Remember, we need to assess the root cause of the problem and treats the whole system to quiet and cool the flames of inflammation, leading to a jumpstart in weight loss and overall good health.

Be Well!

Caylin Shepard MSN, NP-C



Caylin Shepard


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