Proven solutions for your shoulder pain.

Shoulder Pain Roanoke, Virginia

Exciting new options offering natural relief for Roanoke, Virginia sufferers of shoulder pain, rotator cuff problems, tendonitis, and frozen shoulders.
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Shoulder Pain Relief in Roanoke, Virginia

At Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine, we have had great success treating shoulder problems. Our providers have a combined 50+ years of experience helping our patients who suffer with shoulder pain and have innovative technology available to help our patients receive optimal results.

If you have recently injured your shoulder, Balance Wellspace in Roanoke, Virginia is the place to come to get to the root of your problem as quickly as possible so you can get back to the activities most important to you. Our patients experience remarkable results with tendonitis, frozen shoulders, arthritis, sprains/strains, and even torn rotator cuffs.
If you have suffered with annoying shoulder pain for too long, contact us immediately for a full evaluation and learn about shoulder pain treatment in Roanoke, Virginia to start feeling better now.

Is Your Shoulder Interfering in Your Life?

It is easy to take for granted how many movements are controlled by your shoulders! This becomes painfully obvious when you injure your shoulder and attempt to perform normal life tasks. We have noticed that many patients suffering with shoulder pain seem to get used to the regular soreness and frequent dull ache of a bad shoulder, but it is the unbearable jolts of torn rotator cuff pain when reaching into a cupboard, washing your hair, or putting on a shirt that sends many of these more extreme cases to seek help. Despite all the added difficulty during the day, nighttime is often much worse for many as they attempt to find a comfortable position to sleep in, pull on the covers, or change sleep positions.
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Hard To Diagnose & Treat

Besides dealing with all the pain and physical limitations, the next concern is how to proceed for care to address the shoulder. The shoulder joint is quite complex and sometimes diagnosis can be elusive. Misdiagnosis is common with shoulder pain, sometimes even with advanced imaging and expert advice. The wrong diagnosis can create the wrong treatment, producing either no pain relief or even potential harm.

One reason many shoulder problems in Roanoke, Virginia is often misdiagnosed is because the practitioner failed to consider the spine and its contribution to shoulder pain. This is quite common with obvious shoulder conditions such as tendonitis, torn rotator cuff muscles and even frozen shoulders. Pinched nerves in the mid to upper back and even lower neck can cause symptoms many patients describe as “shoulder pain.” Irritated nerve roots can also refer pain into the shoulder joint and/or surrounding areas, commonly mimicking organic shoulder problems including sprains/strains.

MRI Concerns...

Regardless of the duration of shoulder pain symptoms or the type of pain experienced, locating the cause of the problem is essential to receiving proper treatment. Like many other conditions, shoulder pain is diagnosed with a series of tests, including active ranges of motion, orthopedics, and muscle strength.

For the most complete diagnosis of shoulder pain, an x-ray and even an MRI can also be important. While x-rays are best for viewing joint deterioration and alignment of the shoulder, MRI is the best imaging for diagnosis of muscular, ligamentous damage, or torn rotator cuff. Sometimes MRI can complicate the diagnosis process, as previous injuries can sometimes show positive findings – even if they are not contributing to the current shoulder pain.
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Shoulder Pain Treatment Options

Traditional medical treatment for shoulder problems in Roanoke, Virginia often begins conservatively with anti-inflammatories and/or physical rehabilitation. Sometimes results from therapy alone can be hit or miss – particularly if the diagnosis is incorrect. Rehabilitating a shoulder joint is pointless if the pain is coming from a pinched nerve in the spine. Physical therapy results can also vary depending on how severe the injury is. Mild to moderate ligament sprains and/or muscular strains should respond well to therapy; however, can sometimes take months of diligent work to be effective. More chronic or severe cases will take longer, and the results may not be as successful.

If there is a small tear of the soft tissue inside the shoulder, physical rehabilitation may work but it is important to understand that this can take much longer to be effective. For larger tears that require surgery to fix, physical rehabilitation may not produce any result and can even make the condition worse.
 Other typical medical treatments for shoulder problems may include pain medication and/or steroids taken orally or injected directly into or around the joint. If you have been diagnosed with a frozen shoulder, this condition needs physical rehabilitation to progress.

Shoulder Surgery Gamble

If conservative treatment does not produce the desired result, the next step is usually surgery. While the most common surgery is arthroscopic, the type of surgery will vary depending on the type of injury. Sometimes this may include cleaning out debris or scar tissue, repairing a torn rotator cuff muscle, or removal of an arthritic spur. Unfortunately, many shoulder surgeries also seem to have mixed outcomes, with many patients either having no improvement or even worsening symptoms afterwards.

Even if there is a successful outcome from surgery, all surgical procedures cause scar tissue. Scar tissue leaves the joint in a compromised state and prevents the joint from receiving appropriate nutrition necessary for function. This sets the patient up for future shoulder injuries and/or the beginning of arthritic degeneration. Combine these risks with the risk of other possible surgical complications (including infection) and you can see why surgery should be a last resort.

Conservative Whenever Possible

There are many Roanoke, Virginia patients who present with both true shoulder injuries (i.e., problems with the actual joint or torn/strained rotator cuff) AND pinched nerves in their mid to upper back or neck. Cases where a pinched nerve is the primary cause of the burning, sharp, dull, or achy shoulder pain are commonly missed by traditional medicine.

When this scenario occurs, it will often result in patients who get medical treatment (including surgery) on joints that either do not need it or may have responded with less invasive therapy. When seeking relief for a bad sore shoulder, including an integrative team approach is smart so you can ensure the full picture is evaluated and all treatment options are considered.
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Traditional Shoulder Pain Treatment Options

⦁ Anti-inflammatories (NSAID’s)
⦁ Prednisone
⦁ Cortisone Injections
⦁ Physical therapy
⦁ Surgery

Alternative Shoulder Pain Treatment Options

  • Regenerative Medicine including Platelet Rich Plasma and Human Cellular Tissue Product (HCTP)
  • Trigger Point Injections
  • Physical Rehabilitation
  • Chiropractic Care
  • Sanexas Horizontal Therapy
  • Shockwave Therapy
  • Nutritional Support

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Regenerative Medicine – the New Frontier of Healing

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Regardless of whether conservative therapy or invasive surgery was recommended, no traditional medical treatment for shoulder problems assists the joint in regeneration. For acute injuries (rotator cuff strains or partially torn), regenerative medicine helps by reducing inflammation and but also promotes healing of damaged tissues. For chronic problems including degenerative arthritis in the shoulders, regenerative medicine is well known for battling deterioration by reducing inflammation and improving joint space.

For torn rotator cuff problems, regenerative medicine is an excellent therapy choice; however, understanding the severity of the tear is essential to obtain the best results. Chronic tendonitis of the shoulder also responds very well by reducing inflammation and by assisting the healing of damaged tissue.

At Balance Wellspace, many frozen shoulder sufferers find great relief when combining regenerative therapy plus focused rehabilitation.

Come to Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine

Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine is one of the best places to come whether you have a recent injury or chronic shoulder pain. We have medical personnel, a physical therapist, and chiropractors on staff to be able to accurately diagnose the condition and distinguish between pain from a pinched nerve and an actual shoulder problem. Patients experience excellent results with rotator cuff injuries, tendonitis, and frozen shoulders. Our Roanoke, Virginia shoulder treatment programs often consist of a combination of natural treatments designed to relieve pain, optimize function, and help the joint heal.

Depending on the case, we may recommend regenerative medicine to help restore the joint or help the body repair torn tissue. In most cases of shoulder pain, physical rehabilitation is necessary for balancing and strengthening the soft tissue structures while the joint is recovering. Sometimes chiropractic is recommended to reduce structural and nervous system interference that can often extend the recovery time. Our medical team’s integrative approach and innovative treatments have helped many patients with shoulder pain obtain pain relief, restore function, and avoid surgery.
All the treatments we recommend at Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine are minimally invasive, have no adverse effects, and require no down time. If you suffer with shoulder pain, make your appointment here:


Major Insurance Providers Accepted

We gladly accept most health insurances. Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine is a participating provider in most insurance plans. It is important that you contact the customer service number on your insurance card to verify your chiropractic coverage. Please contact our office directly at (540) 824-1005 for additional information regarding these payment plans.
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