Hip pain does not always have to end in joint replacement surgery.

Relief For Severe Hip Pain in Roanoke, Virginia

When you suffer from severe hip pain, degenerative arthritis in your hips, or even facing hip replacement surgery, the first choice should be Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine in Roanoke, Virginia.
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We are a team of results-driven healthcare providers who specialize in the treatment of joint pain, osteoarthritis, and the most severe degenerative arthritis conditions. Using the most innovative regenerative medicine techniques, we offer both relief and often an alternative to total joint replacement surgery for many patients suffering from hip pain in Roanoke, VA.

If prolonged sitting, standing, walking, or even lying on your side at night causes you severe hip pain, make an appointment immediately! If you have been diagnosed with bursitis or are told your hip is bone-on-bone, make an appointment. Our Roanoke, Virginia integrative team will evaluate your symptoms and x-rays to provide the best recommendations for the optimal treatment and fastest relief possible.

The Story of Hip Pain

Most cases of hip pain do not start in constant pain – usually, the pain is intermittent and only made worse with certain movements or positions. Initially, the symptoms are often described as a dull, nagging, deep pain that can feel like a sharp catch in the front of the hip. As the hip slowly continues to degenerate through the stages of osteoarthritis, the pain worsens to be painful with most movements.

If the pain does not drive the patient to seek care from their physician, usually that feeling of instability will. If the hip joint shows significant degeneration, the treatments could vary from medication management to injections, physical rehabilitation, or even a total joint replacement surgery. If surgery is a consideration, this is when hip pain sufferers look for alternative treatment options.
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Common Causes of Hip Pain

Although bursitis and degenerative arthritis are what many associate as the cause of hip pain, there are many other potential causes of hip pain as well. This is what can make the diagnosis problematic in many cases. This can be further complicated by the fact that some patients also have more than one cause contributing to their pain.
Fortunately, most of the common causes of hip pain can be accurately evaluated through physical testing and imaging – including x-rays or an MRI. To obtain the most accurate diagnosis, it is essential to determine if the cause of pain is coming from the actual hip joint, the spine, hip flexor, hip rotator(s), or referred to the hip from another source. Using a practitioner who takes an integrated approach is wise, as they are more likely to recommend a comprehensive approach and provide alternatives to total hip joint replacement surgery whenever possible.
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The Spine Holds Some of the Answers

One of the most common causes of severe hip pain is neuritis – which is an irritated nerve occurring in the spine and causing pain in or around the hip joint. Common misalignments that cause this are often found in the lower lumbar vertebrae, or in the pelvis itself.

It is important to determine which activities exacerbate hip pain. As an example, if the hip pain can be reproduced with sitting – this could indicate neuritis of the lower lumbar spinal disc or irritation of one of the supportive muscles of the hip. If the pain is reproduced with walking – this could indicate a pelvic misalignment or degenerative condition. Having chiropractors on our team is beneficial for these types of cases due to their expertise in proper analysis and restoring mobility.

Sprains, Strains & Tears

A Safer & Conservative Option to Addressing Your Hip Pain
With the rapidly expanding field of regenerative medicine, hip pain patients now have a more effective and conservative alternative to total joint replacement surgery. Human tissue allograft injections are offering those with severe or even bone-on-bone osteoarthritis new options. Treatments have provided symptom relief and improved function for many degenerative arthritis patients. Allograft joint injections to the hip joint are also highly effective for acute conditions such as bursitis and even labral tears.

Regenerative medicine  is the best alternative to surgery providing strong anti-inflammatory effects while still stimulating the body to repair damaged tissue. Unlike surgery, this state-of-the-art treatment has no dangerous adverse effects and requires no downtime
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Wear & Tear Arthritis

The progression of degeneration in the hip joint is the cause of most chronic hip pain. Although the symptoms may be very insidious at first, the process of degeneration typically takes many years to develop. If not addressed, this degeneration results in bone-on-bone deterioration and the eventual total joint replacement of the hip. In many cases, symptoms do not become severe until near the end stages. This typically means that many arthritis hip pain patients do not seek treatment or get x-rays until it is too late.

Symptoms of hip joint degeneration often vary depending on the severity of the case and where the damage to the joint has taken place. Some patients will experience pain with every activity they do, while others may only experience pain with extremely specific activities.

Hip Pain Treatment Options

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Temporary Pain Relief, but Accelerating the Degenerative Process

The best hip pain surgeons in Roanoke, Virginia encourage their patients to explore all conservative paths before getting total hip replacement surgery. Most traditional medical treatments for hip pain symptoms focus on reducing inflammation in and around the joint, which usually involves medication, steroid injections, and/or physical rehabilitation. This approach works best for less severe conditions, such as bursitis. One consideration with steroid injections is that the purpose is not to address the underlying cause of pain, but rather, to focus on simply reducing inflammation. Oftentimes this will provide noticeably short-term relief of symptoms at the expense of the joint and hasten the degenerative process.

A Safer & Conservative Option to Addressing Your Hip Pain

With the rapidly expanding field of regenerative medicine, hip pain patients now have a more effective and conservative alternative to total joint replacement surgery. Human tissue allograft injections are offering those with severe or even bone-on-bone osteoarthritis new options. Treatments have provided symptom relief and improved function for many degenerative arthritis patients. Allograft joint injections to the hip joint are also highly effective for acute conditions such as bursitis and even labral tears.

Regenerative medicine is the best alternative to surgery providing strong anti-inflammatory effects while still stimulating the body to repair damaged tissue. Unlike surgery, this state-of-the-art treatment has no dangerous adverse effects and requires no downtime.

Quality Results for Hip Pain Sufferers

At Balance Wellspace, we have helped many patients improve function, decrease pain, and avoid hip joint replacement surgery. For patients with acute injuries and bursitis, we offer regenerative medicine programs to help with the fastest pain relief and most complete recovery possible. For severe degenerative arthritis, our treatment program for hip arthritis in Roanoke, Virginia offers the best alternative to total hip joint replacement surgery.

Many of our patients have been able to not only avoid surgery but are back to participating in activities important to them without the pain that once hindered their life. At Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine in Roanoke, Virginia, every treatment option we provide is effective, minimally invasive, requires no downtime, or has no major adverse effects.
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If you have hip pain and want to feel better NOW, schedule an appointment today.


Major Insurance Providers Accepted

We gladly accept most health insurances. Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine is a participating provider in most insurance plans. It is important that you contact the customer service number on your insurance card to verify your chiropractic coverage. Please contact our office directly at (540) 824-1005 for additional information regarding these payment plans.
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