Pain does not have to keep you away from the activities you enjoy.

Relief from Elbow Pain at Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine

When you suffer from elbow pain or degenerative arthritis in your elbow, the first choice should be Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine in Roanoke, Virginia. We are a team of results-driven healthcare providers who specialize in the treatment of joint pain, tendonitis, nerve pain, osteoarthritis, and the most severe degenerative arthritis conditions.
elbow pain treatment in roanoke
Using the most innovative regenerative medicine techniques, we offer both relief and improved function for those patients suffering from elbow pain. If you have noticed that your elbow pain has not improved with rest or with other treatment options, make an appointment to see our Roanoke, Virginia integrative team. We will evaluate your symptoms and x-rays to provide the best recommendations for the optimal treatment and fastest relief possible.
elbow pain treatment in roanoke

But I Do Not Even Play Tennis or Golf!

The two most common injuries we see associated with elbow pain include the Tennis elbow, also called lateral epicondylitis, and Golfer’s elbow, also called medial epicondylitis.

Tennis and Golfer’s elbow occurs when the tendons that roll over the elbow are damaged due to overuse or improper form. Depending upon whether the pain is located on the inside or outside of the elbow will dictate the diagnosis. While these injuries are common to tennis players and golfers, less than 10% of these cases involve injuries in their respective sports. It is more common to see these injuries in office workers, especially those with non-ergonomic workstations.

How do I know if I have a Tennis or a Golfer’s elbow?

The main symptoms of tennis elbow include pain, aching, or even burning symptoms along the outside of the arm and elbow, while Golfer’s elbow will include these same symptoms along the inside of the arm and elbow. The typical progression in either diagnosis is worsening symptoms over time, even while at rest. In severe cases, patients report weakness in their grip strength with simple tasks such as shaking hands, holding a mug, or even turning a doorknob.

Known Risk Factors for Developing Tennis or Golfer’s Elbow:

⦁ Not warming up before repeated use of the arms
⦁ Participating in sports or activities that carry repeated movements.
⦁ Repeated office work in the non-ergonomic workstation.
⦁ Over the age of 40
⦁ A Body Mass Index greater than 30.
⦁ History of a previous elbow injury, rotator cuff injury, de Quervain’s Syndrome, or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Treatment Options for Hand and Wrist Pain

Tendons are known to have an extremely poor blood supply, which prevents them from healing quickly without intervention. Many patients have suffered from these conditions for years before finally obtaining relief – but usually, most have tried several different medications and therapies. Combine this with the human element in that each patient diagnosed with these conditions responds differently to care – outcomes are impacted by lifestyle, nutrition, work conditions, and recreational activities.

Traditional Medical Options


Most patients seek care from their primary care physician. The initial treatment plan typically involves either over-the-counter or prescription-strength anti-inflammatory medications. These medications can sometimes help take the edge off the pain but do little to address the underlying problem. These medications also have side effects including the risk of GI bleeding, ulcers, headaches, dizziness, rebound pain and damage to the kidneys, liver or heart.
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Corticosteroid Injections

Corticosteroid injections can also help reduce inflammation, but there are serious side effects that need to be weighed before considering this intervention. Side effects include cartilage, skin, nerve, and/or bone damage, joint infection, insomnia, exacerbation of metabolic disorders (including Diabetes), and increased pain. (7, 8). The risk for these side effects increases with larger doses and repeated use, which is why they are usually only administered 3-4 times per year. The largest concern with these injections is that the short-term pain relief provided may come at the consequence of an increased chance of chronic recurrence.

Traditional Physical Rehabilitation

The goal of the traditional physical rehabilitation approach for elbow pain is to improve the strength and flexibility of your forearm muscles, which are often a culprit in elbow pain. Your therapist may also evaluate the conditions that contributed to your overuse and provide feedback to correct these issues to prevent the recurrence of your pain.
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New Innovative Approaches to Elbow Pain

Regenerative Healthcare: Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is a regenerative medicine procedure that involves utilizing the liquid portion of your blood to accelerate the healing process. The procedure itself is accomplished by having tube(s) of blood collected from the patient that is spun down at a precise speed in a centrifuge that allows for the separation of the plasma from the red blood cells that concentrates them into an injection for healing. Plasma is the liquid portion of your blood that is composed of protein, water, and thrombocytes that aid in blood clotting and healing.

When made into an injection, PRP can be used to alleviate joint and muscle pain, tendinitis, trigger points, sprains, strains, and conditions including osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and even hair loss.
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The platelets release growth factors into the muscle, tendon, joint, and other target tissue, encouraging cell repair and renewal. The theory is that with PRP injections, the platelet-rich plasma triggers and encourages the body’s natural healing process. This is why this treatment falls under the category of regenerative medicine. PRP injections are an excellent choice for those looking for minimally invasive recovery from the damaging effects of chronic inflammation and arthritis.
Regenerative Healthcare at Roanoke
Regenerative Healthcare: Human Tissue Allograft Treatments
Regenerative Healthcare offers incredible advantages in the healing process by providing the body with the necessary materials required to heal, including growth factors, Hyaluronic Acid, amino acids, cytokines, etc. These therapies help boost the body’s natural healing processes to reduce inflammation, dysfunction, and pain caused by conditions such as Tennis Elbow, Golfer’s Elbow, arthritis, and other soft tissue-related conditions contributing to pain.

Extracorporeal Pulsed Activation Therapy(EPAT) (Shockwave Therapy)

Shockwave Therapy is a non-invasive modern and highly effective treatment method: high-energy sound waves are introduced into the painful areas of the body. EPAT technology accelerates the healing process in the body by stimulating metabolism and enhancing blood circulation to regenerate damaged tissue. Strong energy pulses are applied to the affected area. These pulses occur for short periods, creating micro-cavitation bubbles that expand and burst. The force created by these bubbles penetrates tissue and stimulates cells in the body that are responsible for bone and connective tissue healing.
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Shockwave therapy accelerates the healing in patients with nerve conditions or tissue damage by addressing any adhesions/scar tissue present in the area, increasing blood flow to the extremities, stimulating tissue cell and nerve growth, and decreasing inflammation.
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Functional Physical Rehabilitation

The goal of our physical rehabilitation approach for elbow pain (and any other pain) is to improve the function and balance of all muscles that contribute to your movement. When someone is suffering from elbow pain, this could mean addressing muscle imbalances in the forearm, shoulder, and upper back or neck. It could also mean addressing forward head position, and joint dysfunction in the hand, wrist, elbow, shoulder, or neck. The key difference is to understand that our body is functioning as one and should not be compartmentalized – addressing each of the structures contributing to movement patterns is essential for a long-term, successful outcome.

Quality Results for Those Frustrated with Elbow Pain

At Balance Wellspace, we have helped many patients improve function and decrease pain. For patients with acute injuries and tendinitis, we offer regenerative medicine programs to help with the fastest pain relief and most complete recovery possible. For severe degenerative arthritis, our treatment program for elbow arthritis in Roanoke, Virginia offers the best approach to addressing pain.

Many of our patients can get back to participating in activities without the pain that once hindered their life. At Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine in Roanoke, Virginia, every treatment option we provide is effective, minimally invasive, requires no downtime, or has no major adverse effects.
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If you have elbow pain and want to feel better NOW, Make your appointment.


Major Insurance Providers Accepted

We gladly accept most health insurances. Balance Wellspace Integrative Medicine is a participating provider in most insurance plans. It is important that you contact the customer service number on your insurance card to verify your chiropractic coverage. Please contact our office directly at (540) 824-1005 for additional information regarding these payment plans.
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